6 months: Earth has no sorrow that heaven can't heal.
"So we do not lose heart.
Though our outter self is wasting away,
our inner-self is being renewed day by day.
For this light momentary affliction is preparing us
an eternal weight of glory beyond ALL comparison,
as we look not to the things that are seen
BUT to the things that are unseen.
For the things that are seen are transient,
but the things that are unseen are eternal" - 2 Cor.4:16-18
I might liken myself to a bat who is sucking the life-blood out of this verse. For real. Today marks 6 months since my other half made his way to unseen things. The last 2 weeks have been grief-stricken all over again. We went on vacation last week, the same place we went as a family for the last 6 years in North Carolina. It was supposed to be relaxing and refreshing. I came home exhausted and in a puddle of tears, my bones actually ache. Have you ever missed someone so much that your bones ache? There were so many delightful memories at the house on the beach. Ricky was never one for just sitting on the beach. He said it was hot and sand got into crevices and grossed him out. If he wasn't leisurely watching tv (watching cable was a vacation to him) he was on the go, I'm sure we visited every single mini golf facility (which is like 352), all the nature preserves, the wild horses, most of the light houses, we would fish, and go crabbing. We scaled ALL the sand dunes. He sniffed out all the BEST salt water taffy, the fudge factories, the BBQ joints, and fresh seafood places. He was always ready to make adventure happen. I'm oh-so glad we made those memories.
This year was different, I sat in the same chair we watched the sunrise in, it felt lonely. Parenting alone on vacation is no fun. It also felt lonely. I sat on the beach and tried to recharge my batteries, after all we don't have a lot of laying out on the beach doing nothing memories. Even there, the memories all around were overwhelming on EVERY level. Much of my thoughts were consumed with "what is seen". In that place life get's tearful, fearful and overwhelming. Oh but when I am reminded of eternal life and let that fuel my thoughts there is SUCH power in that realm. God is eternal. His place is eternal. As I center my life around Him and heaven I have such great hope again. Every day is a choice, where will I let my thoughts dwell?
Music is so healing, since my feelings have been a tad bi-polar so is the music that inspires me and lights a fire, I listen to Disturbered then David Crowder onto Kelly Clarkson in a 10 minute span and they each make life a little better. These few lines from David Crowder have been playing over and over in my head today.
"There's hope for the hopeless
And all those who've strayed
Come sit at the table
Come taste the grace
There's rest for the weary
Rest that endures
Earth has no sorrow
That heaven can't heal."
Guys there are so may good lines, I could write the whole song but it might get boring, you should probably just go listen to the song here. Earth has no sorrow that heaven can't heal. Oh it is so rich, yes there will always be pain in my heart as I remember the loss of Ricky but Jesus offers the chance to come alive in him and the hope of heaven. If you serve Jesus let's do it whole-heartedly together, if you don't I would love to talk with you about HIM. He gives strength to the weary and peace to the troubled soul, he really does.
Night friends..
Cover photo
Sun Shining Through The Clouds wallpaper