Hope in Him

My life is yours
My hope is in you only
My heart you hold
You made this sinner holy
Your glory is so beautiful
Your glory is so beautiful
I fall down on my knees in awe
The heartbeat of my life is to worship in your light,
Your glory is so beautiful,
Your glory is so wonderful,
My life is yours
My hope is in you only
My heart you hold 
You make this sinner holy - All Sons and Daughters

This song has been giving me life. I listened to it often after Ricky passed. The other half of me was gone. I missed him in a gaping hole kind of way. I knew he was worshipping Jesus, seeing Him, beholding His glory. The song brought a worshipful time and in my own way here on earth the Holy Spirit allowed me to see the glory of God and the goodness of God. I recently stumbled across it again, it hit a lovely healing note. We are coming up on 10 months since my favorite person was ushered into God's presence. Some days we feel ok, sometimes I again beg God to make Himself so real to me all over again because life here without Ricky seems unbearable, like the grief might consume me. 
I don't like sitting, I don't like waiting, I love efficiency. "We have limited time - make the most of it" could probably be my motto. Through counseling I have learned that there are no shortcuts, no fast-forward buttons. Grief is a slow-moving process, a wretchedly hard one. Jesus is meeting me in my pain. As I worship and spend time with Him I am reminded that He is my strong AMAZING tower in this space of calamity. My hope in Him can turn my thoughts of self-pity into thoughts of Jesus and His goodness for my family, His provision for us. He is my kiddos Father, He provides the hope of eternity, life would be so meaningless without Him. I don't know how it's possible to be joy-filled and grief-filled at the same time. I assure you it's possible, there is so much real pain and suffering happening but also a deep joy and assurance of what is to come that is eternal. If you have a hot minute check out Romans 8. It's a tad on the long side, start at verse 18 if your short on time. 

Short synopsis is:
-We live in a fallen world. (hello)
-When we don't know what to pray the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. (crazy, weird and a bit creepy awesome)
-If God is for us who can stand against us. 
-Overwhelming victory is ours through the HOPE we have in Christ. 
-As Christians we have this HOPE as an anchor for our souls.

Good stuff. 
I hope you find encouragement in this. I pray that you know this verse to be true, not just wishy-washy but deep down it would be well in your soul: 
May God the source of hope fill you with ALL joy and peace by means of your faith in Him, so that your HOPE will continue to grow by the power of the Holy Spirit. - Rom. 15:13

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