Those Holidays Though..
I had convinced myself that Memorial Day wasn't exceptionally special to us. Aside from a day off from work and time together as a family we didn't have many traditions. Sometimes we would just sit around, sometimes we would have a picnic with friends. We tried canoeing a few years in a row, most years that ended with Ricky and I getting into a giant fight about how I wasn't rowing correctly...I didn't understand why he had a problem with ricocheting back and forth from bank to bank, he said I wasn't steering properly, I told him to put a little more hustle into it, usually it would end with the kids and I in the bottom of the canoe praying for it to end while he steered and canoed us to safety in a grumpy fashion. For the last few years Grayson and I ran a 5K that benefits Feed My Starving Children, an amazing organization that we are passionate about. Ricky would bring the rest of kiddos to cheer us on. This year I wanted to run, but I have also taken up eating Swenson's galleyboys like it's my job. Turns out you can't make a hobby of eating those AND run a 5K. My extra energy is spent on surviving. I'll get back to running eventually. This year Grayson and Tony ran. My brother ran with Tony and Ricky's co-worker and his wife ran with Gray. He needed somebody who could keep up with him, they were amazing. Grayson ran it in a little over 23 minutes, I was so proud. Afterwords he said he did it for dad, as Ricky often talked about running again once he got his new lungs. I was so proud and then so sad, realizing this was the first of many proud moments I would wish my other half was there to experience with me.
As I was making my way out of the stadium I ran into a couple who we met somewhere around 2 years ago at church. They had come to the information desk to ask about an adoption class. I told them unfortunately we didn't have one of those. Ricky said, well we adopted why don't you just come over for dinner, we could invite a few families who have adopted as well. They graciously agreed to come. After they walked away I told Ricky he was off his rocker, we didn't know these people and, really, what kind of information did we have to offer...we still didn't have our act together. He told me to get over myself and we would be fine. The dinner came and went, it was lovely. We spoke with them a few times after that but I didn't know what they had decided to do. I found out yesterday
(at the 5K) they had gone on to get licensed to adopt. When I saw them they were holding a BEAUTIFUL little baby who they are in process of adopting, AND she is pregnant!! (Also she ran!...I hang my head in shame..) She said, "You are the reason we have him!"
I was so unbelievably happy for them. I came home and it just hit me, I couldn't tell Ricky this awesome story. I couldn't tell him how amazing Gray had been. I was alone, at home with our kids on Memorial Day. The rest of the afternoon was wretched.
I have had bouts of emotion since then. Tonight Grayson was also really emotional, after a few good cries he said, mom can we watch youtube videos of people falling? To which I was only to happy to oblige. The movies morphed from watching epic falls to people falling down escalators, to farting preachers. This was high on Ricky's favorite things to watch, so we watched it and died laughing. Laughter is good for the soul without a doubt. So if you need a good laugh please click here. Don't take life to seriously, we are continuing to try to make the most of everyday, even if farting preacher is as far as we get.
As I was making my way out of the stadium I ran into a couple who we met somewhere around 2 years ago at church. They had come to the information desk to ask about an adoption class. I told them unfortunately we didn't have one of those. Ricky said, well we adopted why don't you just come over for dinner, we could invite a few families who have adopted as well. They graciously agreed to come. After they walked away I told Ricky he was off his rocker, we didn't know these people and, really, what kind of information did we have to offer...we still didn't have our act together. He told me to get over myself and we would be fine. The dinner came and went, it was lovely. We spoke with them a few times after that but I didn't know what they had decided to do. I found out yesterday
(at the 5K) they had gone on to get licensed to adopt. When I saw them they were holding a BEAUTIFUL little baby who they are in process of adopting, AND she is pregnant!! (Also she ran!...I hang my head in shame..) She said, "You are the reason we have him!"
I was so unbelievably happy for them. I came home and it just hit me, I couldn't tell Ricky this awesome story. I couldn't tell him how amazing Gray had been. I was alone, at home with our kids on Memorial Day. The rest of the afternoon was wretched.
I have had bouts of emotion since then. Tonight Grayson was also really emotional, after a few good cries he said, mom can we watch youtube videos of people falling? To which I was only to happy to oblige. The movies morphed from watching epic falls to people falling down escalators, to farting preachers. This was high on Ricky's favorite things to watch, so we watched it and died laughing. Laughter is good for the soul without a doubt. So if you need a good laugh please click here. Don't take life to seriously, we are continuing to try to make the most of everyday, even if farting preacher is as far as we get.