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Communion and camel toe.

I stumbled on this blog post from last year, now seems like a good time to share these words: Every spring season brings a deep gratitude for the simple things. Bright colors, fresh little baby-green leaves, the way the rain darkens the soil and highlights the pale green sprouts. It's also a painful grief trigger. Spring is a reminder of all the "lasts" Ricky and I had together.  The kids and I attended communion yesterday and it might have actually been the worst. Our church does a unique form of communion. We take a literal approach to how Jesus describes communion in the Bible. We sing songs, we remember, it's a time of reflection and lament for our sin, to call to mind what Jesus did for us. These services just before Easter are meaningful. We wash each others feet, it's a time for people and families to serve each other. Right away I feel different, alone, single mom with 4 children. Half of my kids are into it. The other half thinks it's the wo...

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